Ecuatorian Ecotour Operator

We are an ecotourism operator in Ecuador, oriented to generate contact with nature and the various peoples of this equinoctial country. We create meaningful healing experiences, contributing to the growth of humanity.

With extensive experience in serving international tourists, we carry out routes in the Galapagos Islands, Coast, Andes and Amazonia. We offer previously designed tourist packages as well as organize your adventure tailored to your expectations. Our agents are trained to offer the best experience and the operations team is ready to make you live an unforgettable tour in this diverse and magical country.
Discovering Ecuador Tours, operadora de ecoturismo en Ecuador. Nos orientamos a generar contacto con la naturaleza y los diversos pueblos de este país equinoccial. Creamos experiencias significativas sanadoras, contribuyendo con el crecer de la humanidad.

Con amplia experiencia en la atención de turistas internacionales, realizamos rutas en Islas Galápagos, Costa, Andes y Amazonía. Ofrecemos paquetes turisticos previamente diseñados como también organizamos su aventura a la medida de sus expetactivas Nuestros agentes estan capacitados para ofrecer la mejor experiencia y el equipo de operaciones listo para hacerles vivir un recorrido inolvidable em este país diverso y mágico

more about us / más sobre nosotros

Living Ecuador

Why Book with Us

Porque reservar con nosotros

100% Customizable

Tell us about your trip requirement. We'll work together to customize your trip to meet your exact requirement so that you have a memorable trip.

Local Experts. Middle-man Free Pricing

We're a local travel agency. When you book with us, you get best possible price, which is middle-man free.

No Hidden Charges

We don't add hidden extras cost. All trips include travel permit, lodging and fooding. There are no surprises with hidden costs.

Social and environmental footprint

We have a strong commitment to indigenous and peasant communities in their social and environmental development

We are direct tour operators

Our staff works directly on almost all the routes. Providing an excellent quality of service

Stats Counter

Number of Customers


Number of Trips


Trips Types


Travel with Bus